I’m Nate Morse
LinkedIn marketer & sales strategist
I can help you acquire more high-ticket leads and sales. interested?
Helping You Achieve Success on linkedin
More time to focus on what you do best
My passion is in helping coaches and consultants increase their productivity and generate qualified leads that they can close for their business on LinkedIn.
Get Qualified Sales Calls
Get High Paying Clients
Build Your Audience
Learn Proven Strategies that get 80% acceptance and reply rates on LinkedIn
We take out the guesswork for you
Who have We helped?
My team and I are obsessed with creating the ultimate combination for increasing productivity and generating qualified leads on LinkedIn. We do this through a series of software tools, online training courses, embedded consulting services and coaching to help you get much more done in less time with the use of our system. We are committed to supporting businesses across various industries and providing a customized solution that maximizes their conversion process.
Insurance Agents
Digital Marketing Agencies
Software As A Service
High-Ticket Sales
Let me help
Hi! I’m Nate Morse, and I help businesses get clients from LinkedIn. It’s a great way to grow your business- whether you’re just starting out or have been in the game for awhile now.
– Nate 🚀
5 rules for better clients
I was on a summit last weekend with some entrepreneurs. “What makes a “better” client?” I asked the audience. They all said the pretty much the same thing. “We want clients who are eager to engage for the long term” If you’re looking to get “better” clients, then we...
Tactics Vs Strategy
I was on a call with a friend yesterday. Since our last call, they hired a person to help with LinkedIn. At first, it was great. The person swiftly executed on the tasks that were given. They had a great attitude. Since they were from another country, they were also...
What Criminals & Entrepreneurs Have In Common.
“What did he look like?” the investigator asks. “He was between 5’2” and 6’8”“ says the suspect. “Anything else?” “Yeah, he had ears too” It’s all incredibly vague. Regardless of how vague, they draw it up and ask people if they have seen this person. It’s a...
Product-Led or Sales-Led? Or Both?
Last week I had a conversation with one of the most ambitious people I know. He was all in on product-led growth. While sipping our coffees, I listened to his plan. He was convinced that a strong product would organically attract all the clients he needs for his new...
What Does It Mean To Be Salesy?
Yesterday I was having this conversation on LinkedIn. It was going well. We were talking about tools to help with content. Which is a fun topic. Then he sends this: “Are you crushing it or could your course use a boost in sales?” I immediately get that all familiar...
Should We get married?
Should we get married? I know it’s an odd question, but I am asking for good reason. Let me explain: I was on a call the other day with an operations coach. It wasn’t an unusual call. I see this all the time actually. Good coaches with what seems to be a choke hold on...
Do This Instead Of New Years Resolutions
This morning, I was “rolling” this morning with Our Muay Thai coach, PJ. Rolling is what we call sparring in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is a type of submission grappling. PJ is a badass that moved to Tennessee from New York earlier this year. He’s coached some of the...
The Great Waffle Mishap
Let me tell you a quick story. It was a lazy Sunday morning. There’s jazz playing in the background. I’m in the kitchen, carefully wrapping up and freezing chocolate chip waffles I had just made. The next day, I threw one in the toaster as one of my favorite...
Want to skip straight to 2050 in business?
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and I saw a video of someone working on their car. While under the hood, he could not only see what he was working on… He could see every instruction, and piece of data he needed to get the job done. WITHOUT getting his...
The #1 Thing that drives entrepreneurs
It isn't revenue, sales, or 2-CC awards... I was sitting in my recliner reading a book on my Kindle. Drinking a cappuccino I had just from my espresso machine, I almost spit out my coffee when I realized. Entrepreneurs aren't like everyone else. They are hunters. This...