When I was 21, I sold cars at the local Ford dealership.
I had a small office on the second story.
Any time I saw someone pull into the lot, I would race down to meet them.
With a firm handshake and a smile, I welcomed them to the dealership.
Then we sat down and got into their wants and needs.
Getting in front of the right people.
As I met more people, more units were moved.
I wanted to be in the car business forever.
Until winter came.
I stood out in the lot in frigid, Michigan winters for 60 hours a week.
I saw maybe 1-2 people a day.
It was not enough.
I needed a way to talk to more people.
Internet vs In-Person
The next job I got was helping an RV classified site.
Since I was 11 I have been building websites and creating content, so this job was familiar to me.
However, when it came to building relationships, it was not the same as the in-person car business.
Turns out, less than 1% of website visitors turn into any type of lead.
That was a big eye-opener for me.
Less than 1% of people visiting websites do not give any type of contact info.
It was a whole different beast when it came to sales.
I saw an article from Google, “The Car-Buying Process: One Consumer’s 900+ Digital Interactions“.
From there, I did a deep dive into their buyer’s journey, using the model for automotive that google made, but for RVs.
Leads boosted by 1700% within a month.
I tried it again and consistently boosted leads by 200%+.
By guiding customers on their journey, rather than pushing for a sale, we were winning.
But it wasn’t just a win for the RV business.
I realized these principles could transform my entire sales strategy – even on LinkedIn.
Applying this approach to my outreach, I saw my reply rate jump from 5% to a whopping 68%, (CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW) leading to more leads, calls, and sales.
Want to go faster?
1. If you’re looking for traction on LinkedIn, the best place to start is with a free audit so you can know what you personally should focus on: → LinkedIn Audit
2. Level up your messaging: → Prospect Primer Pack
3. Don’t miss out on potential clients on LinkedIn due to small details. Our white-glove service and proven frameworks ensure that no opportunity goes unnoticed. → Blueprint Session