How to Go from Feeling Hesitant, Unseen, and Clientless to Confident and Securing Your First Client on LinkedIn In Just 30 Days

Nate Morse

LinkedIn has always been my favorite platform for finding clients.

If you’re new to the platform, chances are there are people ready to buy right now that could become your newest client this month. 

You may already have clients you’ve gotten in other ways but haven’t cracked LinkedIn yet.

I’m here to help.

Here are 7 steps I would take if I were trying to get my first client on LinkedIn.

Step 1: Optimize Your Profile for Maximum Engagement

Your profile is the first thing a prospect checks when you reach out to someone, they find your content, etc.

  • Profile Picture: Keep it professional, but approachable.
  • Headline: Don’t just list your job title. Include a brief value proposition that tells visitors exactly how you can help them.
  • Summary: Make it punchy. Highlight your skills, achievements, and how you solve problems. Remember, relevancy drives urgency.

Want more profile optimization tips? Check out my LinkedIn High-Ticket Handbook. It’s full of them.

Step 2: Find Your Ideal Clients – M.A.P.S. Framework

Now, let’s talk about finding those perfect-fit clients who are ready to throw money at you. Enter the Better Client Blueprint.

M.A.P.S. Framework

Here’s how we’re going to navigate the buyer’s journey like a pro:

  1. Map: Plot out your buyer’s journey. Where are they hanging out? What are they reading? Who are they listening to?
  2. Analyze: Look at every touchpoint. Where are they getting stuck? Where are they losing interest faster than a cat with a laser pointer?
  3. Pinpoint: Find those golden opportunities where your competitors are dropping the ball.
  4. Strategize: Develop killer content and interventions that make you the obvious choice.

By applying this framework, you’re not just finding clients; you’re positioning yourself as the solution they didn’t even know they needed. For the full blueprint, check out my Better Client Blueprint.

Step 3: Craft Your Outreach Strategy – No More Pitch Slapping

Here’s where most people fumble the ball. But not you. You’re going to nail this harder than a carpenter on espresso.

  • Personalize: Generic messages are about as effective as a chocolate teapot. Show them you’ve done your homework.
  • Value Proposition: Be crystal clear about how you’re going to solve their problems. Make it so obvious, they’d feel stupid not to work with you.
  • Call to Action: End with a simple, clear next step. Make it easier to say yes than to scroll past.

Want to see what a killer message ooks like? Dive into my Prospect Primer. It’s like a cheat code for conversations.

Step 4: Follow-Up Like a Pro 

One message is like one push-up. It’s a good start, but it won’t get you ripped. Here’s your follow-up workout plan:

  1. Initial Outreach: Introduce yourself and drop that value bomb.
  2. Follow-up: If they’re playing hard to get, circle back. Add more value or hit a pain point they can’t ignore.
  3. Engage: Get them talking about their challenges. Be more interested than interesting.

Remember, your goal is to start the right conversations. Get them to open up about their challenges like they’re on a therapist’s couch.

Step 5: Automate (But Don’t Overdo It)

Automation can speed things up, but it shouldn’t be your entire strategy.

  • Use automation to handle repetitive tasks, not to replace genuine interaction.
  • Keep it personal. Even automated messages should feel tailored to the recipient.

Step 6: Have Real Conversations

This is where the magic happens. When you get a response:

  • Ask questions. Get them talking about their challenges.
  • Listen more than you talk. The more you understand their needs, the better you can position your services.
  • Offer solutions tailored to their specific situation.

Step 7: Don’t Go It Alone – Get Help and Move Fast

Remember, I spent years figuring this stuff out. 

While that was valuable, you don’t have to take the long road. 

Figuring things out on your own can be fun, remember: this is a business, not a hobby. 

Getting the right help can dramatically shorten your learning curve and accelerate your results. 

  • Join APEX Assembly: It’s like an assembly line for LinkedIn success, where we fine-tune every aspect of your strategy. 
  • Get A Seat At The War Table: Our mastermind group is where iron sharpens iron. Surround yourself with people who make you step up your game.
  • Go Full Throttle: Want to skip the learning curve entirely?Let’s talk about our done-for-you services. We’ll handle the heavy lifting while you focus on being awesome.

If you’re looking for help with any of these, Book a call with me.


Getting your first client(s) on LinkedIn isn’t about luck.

It’s about strategy, consistency, and using data to optimize. Here’s your battle plan:

  1. Optimize your profile to make a first impression that lasts.
  2. Use the M.A.P.S. framework to find and understand your ideal clients.
  3. Craft outreach messages that are impossible to ignore.
  4. Follow up.
  5. Automate wisely, but keep it human.
  6. Have conversations that uncover needs and build trust.
  7. Get help to accelerate.

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