Personal Optimization | Nate Morse Consulting: Helping Client Based Businesses Achieve Success on LinkedIn Helping Coaches and Consultants Find Leads & Get Sales Through LinkedIn Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:17:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Personal Optimization | Nate Morse Consulting: Helping Client Based Businesses Achieve Success on LinkedIn 32 32 Imposter Syndrome: 9 Ways to Deal With It Before It Hinders Your Success Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:17:24 +0000

“Am I good enough?”

“Did I get lucky?”

You’re not alone.

It’s common for high-performers to feel self-doubt, or “Imposter Syndrome”.

That gnawing feeling of unworthiness.

A constant internal questioning – did I just get lucky? Am I REALLY good enough?

This feeling is a sign that you’re pushing the boundaries.

But don’t let these feelings stop you.

Here are 9 ways to help you navigate it:

Acknowledge It:

Become aware of your feelings.

Understand it’s common among high-performers to experience this.

Express Your Feelings:

Recognize and name the feeling.

You’re encountering “Imposter Syndrome”, a totally normal experience shared by many high-achievers.

Mindful Awareness and Rewiring Neural Pathways:

I made a discovery last week.

Often, imposter syndrome is rooted in deep-seated conditioning from our past.

To combat this, practice mindful awareness in the moment.

When you notice self-doubting thoughts, pause and objectively analyze them rather than immediately identifying with them.

This mindful check allows you to become un-identified with these thoughts, breaking from the “schema” and it’s choke-hold on you.

Doing this consistently creates new neural pathways, gradually replacing the old patterns of self-doubt with more empowering beliefs.

This technique not only helps in the immediate moment but also contributes to long-term mental resilience and self-assurance.

Share Your Feelings:

Talk to a mentor, colleague, or friend.

Entrepreneurs specifically, don’t share enough of this, in my opinion.

You might be surprised to find others feel the same way, and sharing can be liberating.

Reframe Your Thinking:

Switch your mindset.

View challenges as growth opportunities rather than proof of your inadequacy.

Build Confidence By Looking at Wins:

Keep a record of your wins, big or small.

Reflecting on them can remind you of your abilities.

Seek Feedback:

Don’t be your own harshest critic.

Ask others for their perspective on your value in the marketplace.

Or get help. If you are looking for help with LinkedIn, book a call with me and I will personally give you feedback and what I would do differently.

Set Goals That Bring Confidence:

Just like when you were a kid and you used a magnifying glass to burn leaves.

If the focus is too broad, you’ll never burn that leaf.

However, if the magnifying glass focuses the sun, you will be confident it will burn.

This is how we feel about our focus.

Understand Perfection is a Myth:

Embrace the human experience.

Making mistakes and having room to grow doesn’t mean you’re a fraud, it means you’re growing..

Visualize Success:

Focus on what success means to you in extreme detail.

Visualization can shift your fears into action.

A Parting Note

Dealing with imposter syndrome is a journey, not a destination.

Remember, it’s not about eradicating these feelings, they will come again I promise you that.

It’s about learning how to navigate them as you continue to grow and reach new levels..

You’ve got this.

Do This Instead Of New Years Resolutions Sat, 06 Jan 2024 01:38:27 +0000

This morning, I was “rolling” this morning with Our Muay Thai coach, PJ.

Rolling is what we call sparring in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is a type of submission grappling.

PJ is a badass that moved to Tennessee from New York earlier this year.

He’s coached some of the best fighters in the entire world.

After we rolled, we were talking about “New Years Revolutions”.

We both agreed that, as competitive types, we want to be the best we can be.

We also like how taking part in making them feels like you are part of something bigger since everyone else is.

But we both agreed can cause more harm than good.

Having an aim is important of course.

But a lot of people when they make resolutions are trying to change their current selves.

This isn’t always good.

A lot of “you” can’t even be changed.

And creating a “2024 you” isn’t the solution to your problems.

I would encourage you, instead of focusing on what you want and dont want on the surface level, go DEEPER.

Deeper into your understanding of yourself.

Deeper into your “why”.

Deeper look into the holistic and human areas of your life.

Here are a couple questions I like to ask myself, that unlock more potential.

1.What do I want to be remembered for?

 By Clients?
 By Family?
 The Public?

2.What does the data tell me?

Every time you reflect and evolve, you make a “revolution” and you evolve.

The amount of times you reflect, shows how many times you can evolve.

This is one reason I dont like resolutions. They are once a year, you dont “evolve” in this sense until you review, thats why I review daily, weekly, quarterly, yearly. (422 revolutions compared to 1)

Just like life gives you data, so does business.. which is why I’m obsessed about data in my business…

It would make sense that the #1 reason businesses fail, is lack of market research.

Finding the ideal opportunities and aligning with them.

This is exactly what ‘Perfect 50 Leads’ offers. Tailored for entrepreneurs like you, this program transforms your LinkedIn strategy, ensuring you connect with leads that truly matter.


To get more info, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter, or if you want to get additional help, you can book a call with me.

Why Courses and Group Coaching are Failing you Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:45:10 +0000

Meet Sarah.

She’s a go-getter business owner like you and me.

Sarah initially takes the DIY route, buying tons of online courses and business books, burning the midnight oil, trying to make sense of it all.

But guess what? Without guidance, she feels lost in an ocean of information.

Sound familiar?

Next, Sarah decides to give group coaching a shot.

She’s now part of a community, with weekly sessions and a structured environment.

But there’s a hitch.

The pace doesn’t suit everyone, and Sarah often finds herself waiting for others, struggling to catch up, or getting the support she needed.

Does this resonate with you?

I was tired of learning models that felt restrictive and impersonal.

I craved a method that put me in the driver’s seat, letting me control the pace of my learning journey while receiving guidance and feedback to ensure I was on the right track.

In 1979, 279 people on a sightseeing flight died because they were 2 degrees off.

In 1979, 279 people on a sightseeing flight died because they were 2 degrees off.

We may not be flying planes, but the same difference applies.

Once we have direction, we need to reduce pressure and find our groove.

Remembering my school days, I recalled how frustrating it was when the pace was controlled by the teacher, not by the individual student’s capacity or interest.

This caused boredom or overwhelm.

I was rarely in my own sweet spot.

I didn’t want this for my clients.

I wanted them to have a learning experience that was personal, flexible, and effective.

That’s when the lightbulb moment happened.

DIY and Group Coaching – A Square Peg in a Round Hole

Ever tried DIY learning or group coaching? Here’s why they might not be working for you:

DIY Learning:
– No guidance: Ever felt overwhelmed, like you’re lost in the woods with no compass? That’s DIY for you.
– The “2 degrees off” scenario: Small mistakes now can mean big detours later.
– Motivation and focus: Without someone to cheer you on, it’s easy to lose steam.

Group Coaching:
– One size doesn’t fit all: Ever felt bored waiting for others? Or panicked because you couldn’t keep up? That’s the drawback of group pacing.
– Limited feedback: With a big crowd, the feedback you get might not be relevant enough to make the difference.

Enter: The Accelerator Model

As a business owner, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a business accelerator.

They’re programs designed to help startups gain ground quickly by providing resources, mentorship, and networking connections.

It’s a proven model that has been pivotal in the growth stories of many successful businesses..

We used that as inspiration to create a new model of how done-with-you services are implemented, without the drawbacks Sarah, myself, and thousands of others experienced.

We created a new approach – the Accelerator model.

It’s like having a GPS system with a dedicated support team for your journey.

Comparison Chart: DIY vs Group Coaching Vs Accelerator

-Here’s what the items in the table mean:

Personalized: Indicates if the method allows for customization based on individual needs.
Pace Control: Whether the learner can control the pace of learning.
In-Depth Guidance: If the method provides comprehensive guidance to the learner.
Hands-On Learning: Whether the learner is actively involved in the learning process.
Ownership & Control: Does the learner have control over the learning process and its outcomes?
Active Feedback: Whether the learner receives timely and specific feedback during the learning process.


The Devil is in the Details

Group coaching surpasses DIY methods due to the invaluable feedback it offers.

However, effectively addressing the countless nuances involved cannot be accomplished solely through a Q&A call, unfortunately.

By incorporating expertise, successful implementation can be ensured, resulting in tangible outcomes.

In our Outreach Accelerator, we focus on the ‘how’ just as much as the ‘what’.

It’s not about simply dispensing advice and directives, but rather about offering resources and tools that allow businesses to refine their skills continuously and sustainably.

Moreover, the Outreach Accelerator aims to facilitate evolution, not just education.

It helps businesses gain deeper insight into their own operations, equipping them with the necessary tools to handle challenges and seize opportunities with confidence.

Reflecting on the six elements from our comparison table, the Outreach Accelerator exemplifies a solution that aligns with them all:

Personal Pace: Businesses progress at a pace that suits their rhythm and operational demands.
Accountability: The structure of the program fosters a sense of responsibility and active engagement in the learning process.
– Deep Level of Feedback: It enables meaningful interactions that foster a deeper understanding of areas that require improvement.
High Interaction: The environment encourages active collaboration, contributing to a more enriching learning experience.
Concrete Steps: It offers a roadmap, providing a clear direction towards achieving business goals.
Team Verification: A dedicated team verifies progress and provides guidance, ensuring no business feels lost or overlooked.

Look, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this.

DIY and group coaching models are all about what’s best for the business.

They’re attractive because they’re scalable, but let’s be honest here, are they truly the best for our clients?

I get it, the lure of scalability that traditional models offer can be compelling, but at what cost?

Mediocre success rates?

A revolving door of clients who aren’t fully satisfied?

Nah, that’s not the game we’re playing.

With the Accelerator model, we’re going all in on our clients’ success.

We’re creating a space where clients don’t just learn, they evolve.

They don’t just achieve, they excel.

So, sure, go ahead with the easy-to-scale, one-size-fits-all models if you must.

But if you’re looking for real impact, for unprecedented success rates, and for clients who stick around because they’re genuinely achieving their goals, then the Accelerator model is that balance between scalability and impact.

It’s time we stop settling for what’s easy and start striving for what’s effective.

 Want to go faster? 

1. If you’re looking for traction on LinkedIn, the best place to start is with a free audit so you can know what you personally should focus on: → LinkedIn Profile Audit 

2. Level up your messaging: → Prospect Primer Pack

3. Consistently Secure High-Quality Clients on LinkedIn with Our Proven System →  Market Domination Plan 

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Goals Wed, 01 Nov 2017 16:22:46 +0000

It’s hard – if not impossible – to succeed at achieving your goals without effectively defining them.  Every successful person is built on a solid foundation of aspirational dreams, but consistency in executing daily actionable steps is the real key to getting what you want.  According to a study done by Dominican University, the simple act of writing goals makes you accomplish significantly more.

The truth is that writing well defined and specific goals that compel and drive you to achievement is no easy task.  Sure, you can write, “I want to be a millionaire” on a fast-food napkin… that won’t help you take home a trophy – and you want the trophy.

Goal setting is a simple strategy that can set you in the right direction to prove those who doubt you, wrong.  Another study revealed that when people set specific and challenging goals, they are 90% more likely to achieve their goals than those who do not.

Now, no matter what area of life you want to improve, you can define what you want and face the right direction. But, to hit milestones, and get real results, you need more.  You need a system that you can implement, and use, that will help you achieve momentum and reach your potential.

In this in-depth guide, I’m going to show you the step-by-step process that my clients and I personally use to set and achieve goals.

  1. Define Your Dream Goal
  2. Make that Goal S.M.A.R.T.
  3. Develop Mental Toughness
  4. Prepare the Elephant
  5. Create a Power Plan

This process is basically the same for any kind of goal, no matter how big or small it is.



A lot of people struggle with creating goals outside of their comfort zone, and I understand why.  At a young age our parents, teachers, etc. tell us we can become anything we want when we get older.  Then, when we actually become older, those same people tell us that we need to be “practical”  and “realistic”.  Many people, unfortunately, don’t strive beyond mediocrity because they think those people are right…even though they aren’t you.

I am giving you permission to imagine the possibilities and your wildest dreams.

  1. Start with an area of your life: careers, family, friends, other relationships, schooling, spirituality, traveling, fun, charity, money, health, and much more. These are some areas to get your brain churning.
  2. What is the biggest struggle there?
  3. Where exactly would you like to be? Describe it vividly.

Examples: I want to be completely free of debt and have $200,000 in the bank…or I want to win the strongman competition.

If it doesn’t scare you, you aren’t thinking big enough. You need something that if you told people, they would think you are crazy and say there is no way it will happen… to an average person. But you aren’t average 🙂

TIP: If you find yourself at a mental roadblock, try meditating, going for a nature walk, or taking a shower.


Step #2: Make that Goal S.M.A.R.T.

Do you ever feel like you just worked really hard but didn’t get anywhere? Most people start with a goal that gives them direction, but not a specific destination and an arrival time. Here’s an example, I want to live healthier and lose two inches around my waist.That sounds great, right? Well, they are facing the right direction, but it is not specific enough to be put in their path of effort. It needs to be so clear that we can eventually assign behavioral paths to achieve the result. Take a look at your goal and make sure you cover all the bases of the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework:

  • Specific – Who, What, When, Where, and Why. The goal should be written and clearly define what you are going to do.
  • Measurable – How much, how many, and how will you know when your goal is completed?
  • Achievable – The goal should be challenging but not impossible (sorry folks, no catching unicorns). If someone has done it, then it is achievable.
  • Result Focused – Goals should measure outcomes.
  • Time Bound – Make deadlines. Without a sense of urgency, a goal will likely never come to fruition. Parkinsons Law states, “Work expands to fill the time available for it’s completion”.


Step #3: Develop Mental Toughness

In a popular Ted Talk, Researcher Angela Lee Duckworth talks about her interesting findings in what was common among  successful salesman, military personnel, spelling bee champions, and students.



“Grit”, she said, was the outstanding seperating charactaristic from those that acheive to those that don’t. Her definition of grit is “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals… sticking with your future, day in day out…”

I describe that as being relentless.

What if you could develop and cultivate the necessary grit and relentlessness we need to accomplish the goal?

Self Development Guru, Tony Robbins says that what we accomplish in life is controlled by how we assign pain and pleasure.

In order to clearly define the pleasure that drives us to relentlessly pursue this goal and fight tooth and nail, we have to answer questions that uncover our Why.

Discover Your Why

  • Why did you choose this area of life?
  • Why do you want to do something big?
  • Who do you have to prove wrong?
  • Who do you have to prove right?
  • Why do you really want this?

In order to clearly define the pain, we have to answer questions that uncover what’s at stake so that we have no choice but to take action.

Discover What’s at Stake

  • Who would be disappointed?
  • Who would be proven right?
  • What other options would you have if you didn’t take action?

This framework will ignite your ability to take action. Do you win, or face regret?

I would rather push through being uncomfortable than ending up looking back realizing I don’t have the option anymore, and being full of regret.

Step #4: Prepare the Elephant

Maybe you went for a goal in the past and the feeling of not making any progress was overwhelming. This happens to us all. Kids are the best at this, you hear them say, “That will take forever!” and they don’t even take the first step. So what do you do?

You sit down with them and make a list of steps to finish. We as humans need to break down our goals into smaller chunks to feel capable and make progress. Using the S.M.A.R.T. goal system from Step #2.

Write goals for the following…

  1. Where do you think you could be in 3 years? This is a common goal to go for as it’s far in the future, but not too far.
  2. Where do you think you could be at in three Months?

Step #5: Create A Power Plan

Ok, you have written down the results that you want. Now, you need to plan actions for next week that will yield progress towards those results. What are the tasks that you can accomplish this week? Break them down by day, like the domino effect. The Domino Effect states that every domino can knock over a domino 1.5x its size, and the 57th domino will touch the moon.

If you win the day and achieve momentum…You will be finishing tasks at lightning speed toward your goals.

Tip: Choose your tasks wisely. According to the 80/20 rule, 20% of what we do causes 80% of results, so make sure you are being deliberate and working on impactful tasks and not just being “busy”.

Another Tip: Don’t forget to reward yourself for being disciplined.

What are you waiting for?

Now you are in possession of:

  • Ambitious goals
  • A compelling purpose
  • High-quality milestone goals that you can feel confident about
  • A plan to execute and make things happen

Now, take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. If you want this…show up, take responsibility, and execute on your actions. You have a lot at stake… Show up consistently and take action.

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